01 A 01 As California's population has increased, @concern grown~ over the @possible~ @effects~ of a large-scale earthquake @in the area~. 02 C 01 The @administration urged~ the lawmakers to adopt @legislation requiring~ all passengers of motor vehicles @which driven~ in the city @to wear~ seat belts. 03 D 01 Whenever John @thinks~ @about quitting work~ and going back to school, he becomes @worried that~ he @won't able~ to pay the rent. 04 B 01 Cairo University, the Arab @world's first secular~ university, @founded in 1925~ @with seven main~ faculties and @colleges~. 05 A 01 We @should to~ a routine @by establishing~ patterns @useful~ @in meeting~ deadlines. 06 D 01 The assistant manager @asked~ the clerk @to help him~ @move the supplies~, but the clerk @claimed he too~ busy. 07 C 01 The new head of the @Park Service promised~ to @protect and expand~ the park system even @if it raising fees~ and @sometimes closing~ the gates because of overcrowding. 08 B 01 @To catch~ our colleague at home, you @must early~ in the morning because he @leaves~ at 7 a.m. @to go to~ work. 09 B 01 In @spite~ of fewer hours in class, tenth graders @continuing~ to score @higher than~ the national @average on reading~ tests. 10 D 01 Even though the guest did not like @sleeping~ on a hard bed, she @managed~ to fall @asleep~ because @she so tired~.